It shall not include acts of assignment of real property without consideration by means of succession or gift. 不包括以继承、赠与方式无偿转让房地产的行为。
Including Paternal line, property right and right of succession inherit, marriage, education and the status of women and so on. 从父权制度、继承权和财产权、婚姻制度变迁、教育制度变迁和妇女地位变迁等五个方面进行具体论述。
In the early Ch 'in dynasty, succession of property was the vassal of succession of statue, under the influence of patriarchal clan system, succession of statue, the system that the first son would take succession was implemented. 先秦时期,财产继承是作为身份继承的附庸,受宗法制度的影响,身份继承实行嫡长子继承制度,嫡长子承担祭祀祖先、传承宗室的义务,因而,财产的继承由嫡长子继承。